Well…. it’s been over a year since my last post! Yikes! I love writing blog posts, but truth be told… about 99% of the time I prioritize other aspects of my business. I’m going to set a goal to write at least once a month. It’s an aspect of my business that I enjoy & feel like I’m contributing something a bit more permanent to the world. Recently I shared some New York Fashion Week Inspiration in my stories, but here I wanted to focus on the two main trends I’ve been drawn to and how they inform my art.
Read MoreI recently shared this on my personal Instagram (@melodyjoymcmunn) and felt it was fitting to share here as well…
Read MoreMyself, Jillian Edwards, The Deeply Co, Allison of West of Felicity, & Gretchen of Sunkissed Blooms teamed up to host an evening concert & a flower workshop here in Lexington, KY. The theme of the evening was Roses & Rose, so you'll see lots of roses, & lots of rose ;)…
Read MoreI am so excited to invite you to join us Friday night, April 20th, to view my latest work, along side the work of my friend & fellow painter Mallory McCamy. ...
Read MoreThis blog post is totally wishful thinking... since Lexington woke up to several inches of snow this morning :( I love the snow but I really am SO ready for Springtime...
Read MoreLast month I spent the weekend with around 2,300 women at Southland Christian Church's Women's Conference - Made. It was such a great weekend meeting women from around the country and spending time with so many of my close girlfriend...
Read MoreHello friends! I'm really excited about this one! I can officially tell you that you will spot my artwork in Darling Magazine Issue No. 23 this Spring! ...
Read MoreOne of the most consistent ways I absorb inspiration is through fashion. I have loved fashion design since I was a little girl, it's actually how I started drawing! ...
Read MoreMy dear friends at Daily Offerings asked if I would display my work on the walls of their brand new second location here in Lexington, Kentucky ...
Read MoreIt's been a while since I've shared my current inspirations with you guys! The end of 2017 was busy as I got through the holiday rush. But January was calmer, and I was able to step back...
Read MoreAs you've likely seen, my most recent series release was a small capsule of Smaller Original Works on Paper. Now when I say small, think 4x4, 6x6, 8x8, and even 8x10...
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